Wednesday 10 April 2013

Two Tone Art: Dead Space 2

So, I now have my computer completely finished, and one thing I was doing shortly before I started building a new one was two-tone art which is as easy as it is satisfying and enjoyable.

I've only done very few 'pieces', so to speak, thus far. But I love the style of two-tone art so much that I think I'll begin posting those that I do from time to time, this being in between the neglect for this blog and the excessive amounts of gaming that I undertake.

Excuse the poor quality for this one, I have since learnt a few tips and techniques and also developed my own to ensure sharp edges and a fresh appeal. This was my first one, I believe.

Of course, the resolution isn't as high as it can be; the reasons for this being: It'd take too long to submit and I'm very paranoid about the internet and how easy it can be to claim work as your own - Don't get any ideas!

I'll happily take requests, and requests will make me feel that I must create work without it being down to myself and my own lack of motivation. So, if you have any ideas you think'd look cool in this style, shoot them over here and I'll hit them with my best shot!

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