Monday 8 October 2012

Medal of Honor: Warfighter [BETA] Feedback

Right, I've been playing the beta for quite a fair while now, and it is indeed very enjoyable. Before I go into detail on this thread, I want any of the development team that reads this to know I feel you're all doing a really good job, and don't be disheartened by what you read here, it's merely criticism, I'll be as gentle and kind with it all as I can.

I'll get a large concern of mine out of the way first, alright? It's rather lengthy; I am aware that this is a beta, and I know what that beta entails, too. I'm assuming that this isn't the final product, however, I am rather concerned if it is. I wouldn't necessarily say that it looks terrible as I'm not the type of gamer that looks only for graphics, however, the beta looks quite a great deal different and potentially worse than "Battlefield 3" and even "Medal of Honor" (2010), in fact, gameplay demos showcased in E3 look fantastic, literally absolutely beautiful. So I was wondering, are the graphics in the beta final? Practically all things don't look terribly good, that's weapons and textures primarily. Again, I really don't mean to offend, I'm just looking for clarity, if the game displayed in E3 looked so much better, I'll assume it's because it's been fully optimized, unlike the beta [?] in which we're only looking for bugs and testing the game.

Here is a list of my concerns/issues:

1. Spawning & Spawn-killing
Right, you may all have witnessed this, the spawning is currently quite hectic. When spawning with a buddy I can understand that death would be a large possibility, it's also a downside to spawning on your buddy. However, "Falling back" as it's referred, often offers it's own problems. Enemies are at times right in front of you, or you in front of them making spawning incredibly awkward on occasion.

This is an issue for a number of reasons; 1 - No spawn-shield, 2 - Takes around 3 seconds to lift your gun, before you even can, you're most likely dead, 3 - Very easy to die, of course, 4 - occasional close spawning or spawn-mixing (two teams in close areas).

2.  Weapon handling & Weapon switching
As mentioned above "takes around 3 seconds to lift your gun", though this is more realistic, at times it seems quite unnecessary. Changing to a secondary weapon should be quick but feels very slow and clunky as opposed to a quick chance at survival (how I feel it should be) after expending all the ammo of your primary weapon.

On top of this, pistols handle terribly slowly. In every game I play, I often use the pistol over my primary weapon because of my rather quick trigger finger, tapping and firing as fast as is possible. This isn't possible here, upon firing a pistol it feels like it quite literally jams, with firing ceasing completely and causing you to miss out on 1-3 shots, depending on your speed of fire. This makes me believe that the pistol is on a timer..? Other weapons are fine, though switching times still seem like an issue. A lot of things feel very slow and while I can appreciate this, I feel it needs to be distributed and moderated in areas.

Placing down a sniper rifle's bi-pod, for example, takes quite a lengthy amount of time. Perhaps have the ability to carry the sniper with the bi-pod extended, for quicker albeit less efficient use. Also, lightweight magazines might be a good idea to increase the rate they can be reloaded. I notice not much variance in magazines.

3. Fireteam, teamwork, Assistance & Team-play
I'd like to say I'm quite a good player, but, I feel at times that I have a fireteam member that's determined to get me killed. Not acknowledging my need for health, ammo, cover and having me run about half a mile just to get supplies etc.. I currently play the game without a headset, I believe using one would help, but I don't want to be forced to.
I suggest that upon losing a considerable amount of health, it should be more noticeable to the other member of that fireteam, same with losing ammo. I'm not suggesting that they shout at one another from across the map or you have a beam of light shining down upon you, but, just something that'll make my incompetent "buddy" seem like he isn't just part of the atmosphere. I can understand the direction that this game is taking with the depth of teamwork, it's actually really cool IF you have a competent team-mate and (typically) if you're wanting to talk to them, people need to know when you need something, they need to be alerted, maybe to the point of having a penalty for doing otherwise (which I guess would be difficult to monitor).
In this game there seems to be a heavy reliance on a team-mate. While I think this is good it makes being a lone-wolf incredibly challenging, especially when you're "buddy" spawns on you, doesn't even look at you and barely gives you enough time to even try and heal yourself. I believe it's a very team-focused game, right?

4. Depth of field & Scope blurring
This may tie in with my graphics mention at the start of this thread, but, the blur and depth of field surrounding your sights when aiming seems really, really blurry. Very unappealing. There's no sharpness or blur, really, it's just one big clump. There needs to be more detail, though I'll observe this more intently in my next match.

5. Controls
There was one thing that bothered me...I believe it was post-match, upon receiving experience and waiting for the next match to load. You have to select "Next" or "Previous" to progress through the menus. Implement an "RB/LB" function as is similar to the main menu, instead of having people scroll all the way down the page and then back up to what they want to see. Almost everything else seems fine.

6. Menu, Background & Interface
I'm not saying the background images look bad, however, it feels rather busy in terms of both the content and the effects (blurring, brightness going up and down), this, on top of all the information you're taking in already, be it finding a game, catching up on your Battlelog information or checking your stats all seems much too hectic. I feel that things need to be made darker and perhaps more sleek. If not that, lose the light effects in the background as I've had a headache for a while. I think you can all do a lot better.

The colour scheme also bothers me, it doesn't go well with the background image. Currently it looks like a pale greyish/blue, with the warmer colours of the background, this contrasts too heavily and even though there are thin red lines garnishing the menu in areas, it's still too contrasting. Furthermore, menu buttons don't line up very well, if I were to measure the pixels of the "Platoon" sub-options against the "Stats & Leaderboards" sub-options, I think I'd find that the latter has a wider gap between each sub-option. I also feel that the menus should be quicker to navigate, try not to get too caught up on making it look awesome in the background, speed is a prime aspect too.

To sum up on number 6:
Background is too bright,
Buttons aren't OCD enough,
Colours contrast too much.

7. Gameplay
This also feels clunky, a lot of the classes feel very slow, and although this is normal for heavily-built classes, I think they don't move dynamically enough. There seems to be great struggle and an almost awkward level of interaction with the environment. Don't take this comment completely seriously though, as I'm beginning to hurt my eyes looking at the screen and can't really be bothered elaborating or refining this further.

Well then! Should you be part of the development team or tied in with Medal of Honor: Warfighter in any way, it's quite possible I've depressed you, if so, I do apologise. However, here are some things I like:

1. Very good sounds & audio:
Weapon sounds vary nicely, atmospheric sounds immerse me further, background music is all it needs to be. Explosions, ticking from mines, reloading, etc., I have no qualms with sound!

2. Variation & Customization:
an incredible amount of it. There are so many classes, for a start, amongst those classes there are plenty of weapons, and I checked to see if all attachments within each weapon of a class was the same, and they seem not to be. I believe there's an incomparable amount of possibilities. I want to be more involved though when changing and editing my gun. Perhaps have a firing range where players can test bullet drop, firing speed and so on, easy to access from the "My Gun" menu. Also, the "My Gun" background needs to look nicer.

3. Team-Play:
Although I had a few gripes at the team-play aspect, I think it's incredibly well done. Really, I do. The potential enjoyment to be had within a fireteam is vast. I'm excited to see multiple fireteams even working together, covering one another. Buddies looking out for one another and so on, I think it's so atmospheric, this really helps to pull me into the game further. Very realistic AND fun.

4. Scoring:
I haven't got much to say about this, but the point distribution seems perfect. Kill rewards are all well and good (though choosing them would be nice, but, upon unlocking more weapons and adapting them to each class, I feel that this may not be necessary as you could potentially build a "sniper" in an "Assaulter" class).

5. Atmosphere:
I read a comment somewhere saying that mortars/rockets/artillery all make the camera shake too drastically. I couldn't disagree more, I feel most games give you a baby-like level of simulation whereas in this game, it's awe-inspiring. You actually have to plan where you'll be when an explosion occurs, it actually affects you, you can't ignore it and this is incredibly good. Along with everything else, as well, the atmosphere is very good!

There are all my thoughts for now. The beta is very good and this game looks hugely promising, if anybody has any questions, wishes for me to elaborate or generally just wants a chat, go ahead and get in touch!

Medal of Honor: Warfighter [BETA] Weapons list:
Weapons List


  1. On the game o don't know if its just my copy or if it is all of everyone's game of warfighter but during the story videos when there's lots of people or movement like at the train station or at the funeral its really shaky like its trying to skip that's my only disappointment with the game.

    1. Finally just got my hands on the game myself.
      What platform are you playing on by the way, Kenny? It's a shame it does that, I'll have to play through the story myself and see if it does the same for me.

      A worthy disappointment, of course. Perhaps with all these patches they're throwing out, it'll get fixed though!

  2. I'm using the ps3. I've player a million games and its never don't anything like that before I really like the game just sucks when it does stuff like that.that's why I was really wondering if it was just my copy maybe.

    1. I've played the game quite a lot now, I haven't found that myself. Is it in the campaign cutscenes?

      Interestingly, after some games on the "Top fire-team" screen, it has had some problems a few times, nothing terrible though. It sucks you're experiencing that, maybe they'll patch it soon, there seems to have been a patch every 3-5 days post-game release.
